We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the children in our care. To that end, we adhere to a safeguarding policy and accompanying procedures.
Disease Outbreak Policy
Immanuel Safeguarding Procedures

Ben Cope
Designated Safeguarding lead (DSL)

Sarah Williams
Dept safeguarding lead (DDSL)
Online Safety
Our online safety training is led both by our experienced staff team and our student Digital Leaders.
Online safety education and training is both an opportunity and a challenge for parents and schools; at Immanuel School, our online safety education is about training the children to use the internet and related technologies safely and wisely. We see it as a partnership, with our role in school being to supplement the work that parents are already carrying out at home. Our online safety training is led both by our experienced staff team and our student Digital Leaders.
Further Policies
Immanuel School has a wide range of policies and procedures, including those listed below. If you wish to view a specific policy, please contact the school office to obtain a copy.
Admissions Policy
Anti-Bullying Procedure
Complaints Procedure
Curriculum Policy
Discipline Policy
EAL Policy
First Aid Procedure
Health and Safety Policy and Procedures
SEND Policy
For the school year 2022/2023, there was one formal complaint received by the school.
Safety Policies

Havering Grange Centre
Havering Road
01708 764 449
©2024 by Immanuel School. Registered charity number 1172044 | Privacy Policy | Safeguarding