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Disciples of Jesus Christ, for such a time as this.

The children and young people at Immanuel School are more than just students – we want them to be disciples of Jesus. We love to see our students thrive, even excel, in their studies, but our success and their success cannot be measured simply by their GCSE grades, as academic instruction and training is only one aspect of a broader discipleship process.  

We believe that each child and young person in school has a God-given calling and destiny - the children and young people in our care have been born 'for such a time as this'. We plan for our teaching and training in school, including our curriculum, our assemblies and our interactions with the children to reflect this. What we offer in school is not a generic bank of teaching and learning, repeated year after year, but rather is creative and flexible, responsive to the lead of the Holy Spirit. 

Our Vision


We resolve, with the support of parents, to prepare, disciple and educate young people from a Biblical worldview, to meet the opportunities and challenges of a changing world.

We commit to teaching our children and young people about the character of God - who he is, what he is like, what he has done and how much he loves them.  We seek to prepare them, from a Biblical worldview, for life in today’s world, so that they are equipped emotionally, spiritually, intellectually and socially to fulfil the call of God on each of their lives. 


with Parents

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

Our role in school is not in isolation; we aim to work in partnership with parents. We work best when there is clear communication between home and school, as this clarity creates the context for children and young people to thrive.

Partnering with Parents


When we give our lives to Jesus, we become his disciples – his followers.

When he was alive on the earth, Jesus’ work with his disciples was fully orbed; he didn’t just teach them a set of beliefs. He challenged their thinking, their attitudes and their actions. We aim to do likewise. Jesus' goal was not just to fill their minds with knowledge, but to shape their whole lives, beginning with their choice to follow him, recognising him as their saviour.


Our Vision

Immanuel School from playing field.jpg


Havering Grange Centre

Havering Road




01708 764 449



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